Fields of KnowledgeProfess your expertise.

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Have the following ready to "paste" into this Content Submission Form:

  • a list of citations to exactly six superlative sources about your subject specialty (cite any type of media; any citation style; English only)
  • a list of citations to other excellent sources about your subject specialty (cite any type of media; any citation style; any language; any number of citations)
  • your résumé or curriculum vitae OR simply the URL Internet address of your résumé or CV if already posted on the web; formality is not required—a short statement of your subject-related qualifications is acceptable


Fields of Knowledge will not reveal the identity of its subject specialists to the public and will not enable any person to contact a subject specialist directly, through email, telephone, postal service, or in person. The name, résumé or curriculum vitae, and addresses of the person who completes this form will be held in strict confidence.


All submissions are subject to approval and acceptance by Fields of Knowledge.

Email Version of This Content Submission Form

This web version of the Content Submission Form is most convenient for both you and us, but if your web browser software does not accommodate form submissions, you may submit via email by clicking here.

Content Submission Form

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Street or PO Box Address:
Second Line (optional):
Postal Code:

Is this the first time you have submitted research recommendations for publication in The Infography?
    Yes    No
Subject Heading (specific to these research recommendations; a Library of Congress subject heading or a word or phrase you prefer; HELP):

Keywords (that describe these research recommendations; synonyms, words of detail, and words of summary; please brainstorm, because the more keywords you provide, the more often people will access these research recommendations; HELP):

Are you the author of any of the superlative sources you will be citing?
    Yes    No    (you may not favor your own publications)

Cite Exactly Six Superlative Sources of Information (copy content from your word-processing file and paste into box below; cite any type of media; any citation style; English only):


Are you the author of any of the excellent sources you will be citing?
    Yes    No    (you may not favor your own publications)

Cite Other Excellent Sources of Information (copy content from your word-processing file and paste into box below; do NOT include six superlative citations from above; cite any type of media; any citation style; any language; any number of citations):


Please CHOOSE ONE of the following four options, in order of our preference, to send us your subject-related qualifications for review.

  1. If your résumé or CV is already posted on the web, simply enter the web address (URL) into the box below (any web page about you is probably sufficient):

  2. Use File Upload to send us the document (we can read any software file format; File Upload may not work if you use old web browser software). After uploading the file, paste or type the name of the file into the box below:

  3. Type or paste your résumé or CV or a summary of your qualifications into the box below, but no more than 1500 words:

  4. Email the résumé or CV as a file attachment (we can read any software file format) to, or you may mail the résumé or CV to:
    Fields of Knowledge, 1509 South Ave., Essex, Iowa 51638-4608 USA

You may send us your comments or questions by typing them into the box below:

What happens next: When you click on the SEND FORM button below, your information will be transmitted to us. In response, this window will then display the information (except the résumé or curriculum vitae) in a format suitable for you to SAVE to your computer drive as your record of what was submitted.

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"Fields of Knowledge Content Submission Form"
© 2008 Fields of Knowledge
Essex, Iowa 51638-4608 USA